Quality Assurance

Our consultants have over 25 years experience working alongside providers placed in special measures.

We Collaborate alongside your organisation to deliver safe, effective care. Creating solid findings and innovative ways to help your service achieve Outstanding ratings, accelerating your reputation and company growth.


Company Turnaround Specialists

Are you a company experiencing difficulties, recently been inspected and received an inadequate or requires improvement?  Our team has specialised consultants supporting our customers to turn around their services, which provides an effective proactive plan. In the interim, we will look at the key concerns to remove you from being special measures with a strategic plan to present to CQC and other stakeholders, helping you build back your reputation and re-develop company growth.

A specialised consultant leading you all the way to safe and effective care.  Our interim manager will hit the ground running, ensuring your team, service users, and their families will benefit from a seamless transition


Strategic regulatory action plan


Relationship building with  CQC  and other Local authorities


Long term sustainability 

Quality Assurance

Care Compliance Audit

CQC expect all providers to conduct independent audits under Regulation 12. Team Care: We ensure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and encourage care services to improve.
We monitor, inspect and regulate services to ensure they meet fundamental quality and safety standards and publish what we find, including performance ratings, to help people choose care.


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Quality Assurance

Special Measures and Required Improvement Services

The severity of receiving this rating can be daunting and challenging to process. Our team of experts works alongside your organisation, CQC and external stakeholders on a strategic pathway to turn your services around to achieve its potential goals and ratings.


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Quality Assurance

Interim Management support

Team Care offers temporary Interim management  - to help support your organisation that is facing a period of transition, crisis or change. You may have a manager off on long-term sick and require an interim manager to help you through this period. Out Consultants have extensive experience stepping into these situations and can specialise in this area, providing you with resources and skill set. 


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Quality Assurance

Person-centred Care Plans

Person-centred care planning is an essential part of delivering a person-centred care social care service and is a fundamental regularity requirement Care plans will be part of your auditing processes.  we will ensure When auditing be sure to build in criteria to assess whether your service has a person centred approach in place, and whether the care plans used are person centred
Care plan auditing - person-centred 
Care plan documentation refelting CQC regulations 
Mental Capacity assessments and Best interest 
Medication compliment 
Risk assessments 


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