Adult Care Consultancy

Your organisation will benefit from expert guidance delivered in a practical way, with innovative techniques designed to produce positive outcomes at all levels.

Consultancy to support organisational change and help you to plan, support and respond through these processes.


Adult Care Consultancy

Company Initial Setup

This can feel pretty daunting, but we have our property management team who work alongside our care consultants, making this process less stressful and more efficient and effective.

  • Assisting with planning
  • You are developing and reviewing your paperwork, including a statement of purpose, policies and procedure.
  • Advice and support with recruitment, including Manager and Responsible Individual
  • Support in completing CQC's registration application
  • Property audit – Is the property fit for the purpose
  • Assist in developing and reviewing policies and procedures

Business Development 

  • Business growth-  increase in referrals/hours
  • Relationship building 
  • Tender writing
  • Building relationships with  other stakeholders 

Organisational Change, Redesign, and Development

We offer consultancy to support organisational change and help you to plan, support and respond through these processes.   We lean on developmental models and theories that help this process to be strategic, person-centred, and organic.

  • Providing change processes to support the merger of organisations and the development of a new culture 
  • Much work is around effective communication and delivery and response.
  • Developing teams to support    organisational change 
  • Develop strategies and processes to help change short and long-term goals.


Crisis Management/ CQC Turnaround 

Our team of experts will guide you through your CQC action plan. Our turnaround team will immediately risk managing your service to prevent immediate risks and address the primary concerns. If your service has been placed in special measures, we will aim to support you and your organisation to resolve and deliver best practices to be outstanding long term.  


Registered Manager Support

We can provide practical support for new or existing registered managers and help guide them through the CQC registration process.

We can provide ongoing mentoring for managers until they feel fully competent and confident.

Are you looking to improve your CQC rating, or starting a care company?

We have a team of CQC, adult residential / care home managers and registered domiciliary care managers.

Remote Appointments

Wherever possible we'll offer remote appointments to help busy teams make the most of their time


Mock Inspections

We can tailor the inspection length to the service we are inspecting. Once it's finished, we'll send you a detailed report based on the critical lines of enquiry and an action plan to address any concerns we identify during our inspection.

Provider compliance visits – not all services benefit from a quality and compliance team. We can provide a monthly or quarterly quality visit for your service (s) based on the critical lines of enquiry and any other areas of the business that you would like us to cover and produce you with a detailed report and an action plan to address any concern we identify during our visit.

CQC representations – We can help you develop detailed drawings following any Care Quality Commission judgements and have a specialist interested in terms linked to a Notice of Proposal or Decision.

Quality Improvement

This will involve building skills in all areas of your team to support continuous improvement.

  • To provide an inclusive, open, and honest assessment of your organisation
  • Collaboratively design quality improvement plans for specific services and regions
  • Look at technology effectiveness and efficiencies


Recruitment and Retention

One hundred ten thousand vacancies across the social care sector create an acute recruitment and retention crisis. Vaccinations becoming a condition of deployment, Brexit and burnout thanks to the pandemic have all contributed to people leaving the sector and struggling to recruit new talent.

At Team Care consultancy, we understand social care recruitment which helps break down those barriers. Having this knowledge, we can help you in looking at your internal processes and strategies. Opening up new approaches, opportunities and new platforms

 We look at reviewing existing systems of support and re-creating an inclusive approach.

Helping your organisation to be values-based driven, who invest in the well- fare of their team. Providing flexibility and a work-life balance positively contributes to their overall well-being.

Mental health: Investment in mental health initiatives, services, and mental health well-being sessions will ensure the health and well-being of staff is easier to maintain and reduce pressures on services and the workforce.

We will create with you an organisation that changes its culture, Invests in its people and nurtures personal development—developing new talent and retainment through holding a reputable reputation.

Team Care Compliance - Building a Governance that works for your business, designed by you.  Start your journey with us by clicking the link below.

Our Packages


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